The Voluntary Carbon Market

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  • Engaging in the voluntary carbon market is a way that companies, governments, other entities and individuals can manage their carbon footprint. While the voluntary market, unlike the compliance market, is unregulated, recognised international standards verify the quality and validity of the credits traded.

    A feature of the voluntary market is its capacity to integrate important social and environmental criteria within the offset certification process. For traditional fire management projects this is particularly relevant, given the diverse range of “co-benefits” that community led, traditional fire management projects may generate in addition to emissions reductions, such as benefits for communities and biodiversity.

    International standards organisations are increasingly starting to focus on developing methodologies for the certification of fire management projects. The International Savanna Fire Management Initiative is continuing to work in collaboration with key standards organisations towards certification of fire management projects to enhance the capacity of communities to sell fire management offsets with the voluntary market.

    Fire Management Certification in the Voluntary Market

    Fire management methodologies available or under development within the voluntary market include the following.

    Verified Carbon Standard

    Gold Standard

    While the Gold Standard does not have any fire management methodologies currently in place, it has expanded into the land use and forests sector, with improved forest management and, potentially, fire management requirements, expected to be developed over coming years. Updates on Gold Standard fire management related methodologies will be provided as available.



  • VCS Methodology VM0029

    VM0029 (1.9 MB PDF)