Financing Traditional Fire Management

Traditional fire management activities have the potential to be financed in a range of ways. While some of these may be possible at the current time, others will require further policy or legal development before their potential to support traditional fire management activities can be fully realised.

The financing source most appropriate for a particular activity will depend on many factors. While engagement in carbon markets similar to the Australian experience may be possible in certain circumstances, not all traditional fire management activities will be able to be financed in this way.

Factors that need to be taken into account in determining how to finance traditional fire management include: applicability and profitability of methodology based fire management given local ecosystem and land use conditions,  political and community interest in market mechanisms, and potential for public, corporate or philanthropic support.

In some cases, utilising a combination of financing methods may be most appropriate. For example, a project that may ultimately be able to sell offsets in carbon markets will likely require other investment up until the project becomes independently financially sustainable.

Possible mechanisms for financing traditional fire management activities include:

Compliance Markets
The Voluntary Carbon Market
Corporate Social Responsibility
Public Sector Investment
Bilateral Aid and Philanthropic Investment