
This toolkit provides access to a range of resources relevant to traditional fire management, both from Australia and around the world.

The toolkit is intended to support communities, policy makers, practitioners, the business community and others to learn more about traditional fire management and to exchange information with each other.

To support this goal, the toolkit is designed to be added to and updated over time, as new experience is gained, and the results of new research available.

The toolkit, as well as being about linking people with information, aims to link people with people in order to encourage exchange of knowledge on traditional fire management globally.  If you have an interest in obtaining more information about any of the topics presented, or in being put in touch with relevant organisations or experts, you are invited to contact the International Savanna Fire Management Initiative Secretariat with your name, organisation and the nature of your enquiry.

If you have material or links to add to the toolkit, please contact us through this website.

*Note that the providing of links to external information sources should not be taken to imply that the International Savanna Fire Management Initiative endorses or provides any guarantee of the accuracy of information sources provided. 

Global Overview
Latin America