Community Based Fire Management highlighted at International Wildland Fire Conference Korea

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  • 2015•10•22

    Int Wildland Fire Conf logo 2015

    The UNU International Savanna Fire Management Initiative participated in the 6th International Wildland Fire Conference  held in the Republic of Korea from October 12-16th 2015.

    The conference provided an opportunity for fire management leaders, policy makers, professionals, researchers and practitioners worldwide to discuss critical fire issues affecting communities, resources and ecosystems and work co-operatively on the development of a global wildland fire management strategy. The conference further aimed to strengthen international cooperation and exchange of information, knowledge, expertise and resources in fire management and its social, economic and environmental implications.

    Mr Robin Beatty of 321 Fire and author of the Initiative’s Africa Regional Assessment spoke to attendees on traditional fire management for emissions reductions, biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods and presented his preliminary findings on the potential for Africa. Advisory Committee member Mr Pieter van Lierop of the FAO gave a keynote address, highlighting the importance of Community Based Fire Management (CBFiM). The Keynote is available for download via the related files tab.


  • Challenges for CBFiM

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