Asia Fire Workshop

  • DATE / TIME:
    2015•05•19 - 2015•05•21

    From 19 – 21 May 2015 in Kupang, Indonesia, the United Nations University (UNU) Traditional Knowledge Initiative (TKI) co-hosted an Asia workshop in conjunction with the local organisation CIS Timor. The workshop included a field visit to key savanna areas of West Timor and included discussion on the physical and cultural aspects of fire management in the region.

    The goals of the workshop were to:

    • share information and raise awareness of the Australian experience of savanna fire management;
    • explore the trends, challenges and possibilities for emissions reduction savanna fire management in Asia;
    • connect governments, civil society, indigneous people’s organisations, intergovernmental organisations, research institutions and the private sector concerned with savanna fire management in Asia; and,
    • support the Initiative’s Asia Regional Assessment.
    International Savanna Fire Management Initiative Asia Regional Workshop, Nusa Tenggara Timor Indonesia. Photo: UNU

    Participants during field trip for International Savanna Fire Management Initiative Asia Regional Workshop, Nusa Tenggara Timor Indonesia. Photo: UNU

    Approximately 25 participants attended including representatives from Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste.

    The Asia workshop is an activity of the UNU TKI’s International Savanna Fire Management Initiative, supported by the Australian Government through its aid budget. The initiative aims to raise awareness globally of Australia’s experience in methodology based fire management and explore the feasibility of the approach as a tool for emissions reductions, biodiversity protection and creating sustainable livelihoods opportunities for indigenous and local communities in fire dependent landscapes globally.

    Also see UNU’s Indigenous Perspectives Workshop to held in Kupang, Indonesia on 18 May 2015.


    Swiss-Belinn Kristal Hotel, Jalan Timor Raya No. 59, Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia